

主流媒体是如何评价休斯顿的? The conversation about H-Town has evolved in recent years as awareness of the city's tremendous quality of life, 新兴科技和创新场景等属性不断壮大. The Partnership is working to expand the conversation around these key attributes that will help advance the region's economic growth. Read some of the recent stories about the nation's most diverse major city and the Partnership's efforts to steer its prosperity.

化石燃料使休斯顿成为皇冠HGA010官方下载之都. 中国能否引领清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载转型?

城里有一种新皇冠HGA010官方下载可以推进向皇冠HGA010官方下载丰富的过渡, 低碳未来.

Houston metro area among the nation's top destinations for new corporate projects, report says

当涉及到企业发展的落地, 休斯顿是美国最热门的旅游目的地之一.

Houston ranks in top 10 for best housing markets for stability and growth, new report shows

The greater Houston housing market ranks among nation’s the top metropolitan areas in terms of growth and stability, 根据SmartAsset最近的一份报告.


休斯顿科技生态系统排名第一. 全球5个新兴创业中心

在创业基因组和全球创业网络的一份新报告中, 休斯顿在全球100大新兴创业生态系统中排名第五. 去年,该组织的报告将休斯顿排在第1位. 19个在同一类别.


该地区包含了清洁氢市场的所有要素——清洁电力接入, 使用电力行业狂吹, and the existing network of production and pipelines — on a scale large enough to make Houston “the epicenter of a global clean hydrogen hub” that extends across Texas and the U.S. 休斯顿未来研究中心在5月23日发布的一份报告中指出.


作为“世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都”,“休斯顿的整体就业受到皇冠HGA010官方下载行业的严重影响. New research is shedding light on how Houston's economy could be impacted if the city doesn't lean into an energy transition to become the energy capital of the future.


The energy transition has accelerated in the Houston area in the past year as companies expand their presence in the region and plan new projects for solar, 风, 氢和碳捕获技术.

这一系列的活动可以归因于该地区作为美国贸易中心的地位.S. energy industry and the existing infrastructure for transporting, refining and storing energy. But also playing a part in the uptick in activity has been the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the incentives it created for clean energy projects.


评估休斯顿在生命科学方面的实力, CommercialCafe says that “the resilient Texas powerhouse was lifted by the wave of emerging life sciences clusters across the U.S.“两个主要项目正在帮助休斯顿保持其强大的地位. 德克萨斯医疗中心(TMC)去年推出了TMC3, 一个土冢围成、面积达37英亩大, 大约600万平方英尺的生命科学园区, 总部位于休斯顿的海因斯最近排名270位,毗邻TMC占地53英亩的Levit Green生命科学区,第一期占地5000平方英尺.



埃克森美孚公司. will relocate its corporate headquarters to the Houston area from suburban Dallas and combine its chemical and refining divisions in a major shake-up aimed at reducing costs.


休斯顿正在利用他们的资产并分享他们的专业知识来吸引更多的开发. The secondary intent is to become less of a high-traffic metro and more walkable by connecting this development to downtown.


你想要现场音乐? How about the world-class Houston Grand Opera, the symphony at Jones Hall, and Opera in the Heights? And if you’d prefer something more familiar to Austin sensibilities—a schlubby guy doing Oasis covers on his acoustic guitar, 例如,我可以推荐Rice Village的Hopdoddy Burger Bar吗? 此外, 休斯顿可以宣称的音乐类型几乎完全没有奥斯汀-想想DJ螺丝, 或者保罗·沃尔和Swisha House催生的南方说唱. 此外,碧昂丝. 



休斯顿排名第1. 19 on 2021/22 fDi list, which ranks major global cities based on foreign direct investment. 从No上升. 在2018/19年度排名发布时,排名第24位. 休斯顿只是美国两大城市之一.S. 在最新的榜单中,这些城市跻身前20名,其中纽约排名第七. 

Intuitive Machines opens $40M production center at Houston Spaceport ahead of moon mission

Houston-based Intuitive Machines has completed its Lunar Operations and Production Center and is preparing to send its first lunar lander product to Florida in support of a NASA mission.


休斯顿仍然是美国的皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, but a new Moody Analytics report indicates the Bayou City has diversified its industry portfolio enough to no longer rely solely on oil and gas.


雪佛龙并没有要求员工搬到德克萨斯州, but its offer to cover employees’ relocation is another sign that Houston is a primary center of operations for the oil major.




From a parking lot into a groundbreaking epicenter poised to revolutionize Houston’s life sciences ecosystem, the Texas Medical Center celebrated a monumental milestone with the grand opening of the TMC3 Collaborative Building at Helix Park. 德克萨斯医疗中心召集了全州, 城市和行业领袖展示了37英亩校园的一期工程. 250年,000-square-foot TMC3 Collaborative Building will house research initiatives for the four founding institutions: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 德克萨斯州的一个&M大学健康科学中心, 德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心和德克萨斯医学中心.  The collaborative space is located at the heart of Helix Park and aims to serve as a new hub of innovation, 汇集学术机构, 行业合作伙伴和研究人员. 它还包括使用湿实验室和办公室/联合工作空间.  “The opening of the TMC3 Collaborative Building represents yet another pivotal moment in the evolution of the greater Houston region's life sciences and biotechnology ecosystem,Partnership总裁兼首席执行官Bob Harvey说. “The building is only the first phase of the vision to have TMC Helix Park be the catalyst for the Houston life sciences industry, 连接突破性研究和公司,将拯救生命的疗法推向市场.” 该园区还将包括额外的研究和工业建筑, 一个酒店, 一座住宅楼和零售大楼. 六个完整的公共绿地向公众开放.   在周四的典礼上, Mayor Sylvester Turner said the campus will serve as an “economic engine” for the region and the state as it attracts top talent and companies from around the world. Turner also highlighted how a new Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) for the TMC and Hermann Park area will generate cash for infrastructure projects.  门户的创新, 总部位于芝加哥的生命科学风险投资公司, announced earlier this year it was opening an office at the collaborative building to nurture and invest in early-stage biotech and medtech startups. TMC President and CEO Bill McKeon said housing this type of firm will ensure that innovations and technologies remain in Houston. Upon completion, Helix Park is expected to add more than 26,000 jobs and generate an additional $5.据州长格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbott)称,该州每年的经济活动达40亿美元. 了解更多休斯顿蓬勃发展的生命科学和生物技术产业.  




Our nation’s space dreams launched at Rice University in 1962 and were realized in the years that followed at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, 但休斯顿探索的动力并没有止步于月球. 60多年来……
